5 Benefits of Dental Bridges

Photo of dental implants Dental bridges are a type of restoration for patients with one or more missing teeth. There are several other tooth restoration options in cosmetic dentistry, so it pays to know precisely why a dental bridge might be a better choice.

Dental bridges can be customized to look like the original teeth, and the dentist can easily adjust the bridge to fit the patient’s bite to ensure maximum comfort. Also, dental bridges are durable and almost as strong as the tooth enamel. The restoration is anchored to two healthy teeth on either side of the space for support. The material used for the crown has similar properties to natural teeth and makes it therefore hard to tell that the bridge is present.

5 Benefits of Choosing Dental Bridges

The following is a list of the advantages of opting for dental bridges:

1. Restore the appearance of the smile

Having one or more missing could make the person smile less than usual, especially in social interactions. With a dental bridge, the patient will once again have an attractive smile and be able to smile confidently.

2. Ability to chew and talk properly

A missing tooth could make chewing food difficult, if not painful. This could cause digestive issues since the patient will end up ingesting half-chewed food. Also, spaces between the teeth can affect speech and make it harder for people to comprehend the person’s words. All these issues can be fixed by getting a dental bridge to replace the lost tooth.

3. Preserve facial structures

When a tooth is lost (either the front teeth or molars), the person’s lips or cheeks may appear sunken, depending on the location of the lost teeth. This could make the person look older than they are. Replacing the missing teeth with a dental bridge can help restore the appearance of the face.

4. Balance the bite force

Having one or more missing teeth affects the balance of the bite. This means that there will be more pressure on other teeth, leading to jaw pain, and possible damages to the existing teeth. Getting a dental bridge will help even out the biting force to prevent pain and discomfort.

5. Prevent other teeth from shifting

Once a tooth is lost, the nearby teeth will start moving from their position into the space left by the tooth. This could cause crooked teeth, which is not only aesthetically unappealing but could also cause oral health issues. The dental bridge will occupy the space and prevent other teeth from shifting.

Final Note

Dental bridges can last for about five to 15 years. The durability of the dental restoration typically depends on the level of oral hygiene and how often the patient visits the dentist for routine dental checkups and cleaning. The maintenance required for dental bridges is the same as the natural teeth. Ensure you brush your mouth twice daily with fluoride toothpaste and floss. If you have one or more missing teeth and would like to enjoy the benefits of dental bridges, contact our office today for a consultation.

Request an appointment or call Integrated Dental Care at (610) 600-9745 for an appointment in our Exton office.

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